Saturday, December 31, 2016

Saying Goodbye to 2016

How do we say goodbye to 2016? I have mixed emotions about saying goodbye to this year and hello to a new one. I don't believe in "starting a clean slate" just because a new year has begun. One of the wonderful things about being a Christian is that with God you can start a clean slate everyday. Thats just one of the amazing things about our Savior, with Him all things are possible and everyday is a new day. For me personally, the year of 2016 was one that I will never forget. I learned how to deal with losing a loved one but was also blessed with the birth of a new one. My grandmother passed away last January 2016. This was a moment I tried preparing myself for but never seemed to succeed at. My sweet Mamaw was sick for most of my childhood. The doctors were always saying she only has a few months or sometimes worse, a few days. However, she proved every doctor wrong. She knew that God would take her home when He was ready to. One promise she had made me ever since I was just a little girl was that she would be there to see me walk down the aisle. There were so many times I cried by her bedside at the hospital or nursing home and reminded her of that promise. My grandpa always said that was what kept her going through all the pain. She was truly a remarkable woman that made a huge impact on my life and she did make it to my wedding and was even able to enjoy herself and dance in her wheelchair with all of our family. Although it was extremely difficult to say goodbye to her, I know that it is only a temporary goodbye. Even though she was not here for the birth of Hadley, before she passed she did know that I was pregnant and even got to feel her kick. Although Hadley is only 5 and 1/2 months old, she has already shown so much personality that reminds me of my grandma. I know that she is watching over all us and is excited to meet her someday. So as I sit here typing all of this I am bursting with tears of pain, remembrance, joy and hope. God was ready to take our angel home but made sure He placed a new one in our lives. As we approach the new year tomorrow I am filled with excitement because this year was the just the beginning of a new journey with our sweet little family of three. God bless you all and Have a Happy New Year!

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