Thursday, September 20, 2018


I know its been quiet over here for awhile! We have been enjoying the last bit of summer before harvest begins, which I think will start tomorrow actually! Something I always like to make in the fall are pumpkin muffins. They are super easy to make and they make a great breakfast on-the-go for Ross! There are two recipes I like to use. One is a normal version and the other is a healthier version. I will say, I can't tell the difference between them. I usually add mini semi-sweet chocolate chips to both versions!
Please note that I am not a professional baker...nor do I want to be. I just love to bake for fun! These are not my own recipes, I have found them on the internet and tried them out several times. I've switched a few things around in each recipe and I think I've finally perfected them (for my family and I that is LOL). If you have any questions or try out either recipe please let me know!


3 cups of flour

1 TBS pumpkin pie spice

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp nutmeg

2 tsp baking soda

1 1/2 tsp salt

3 cups of granulated sugar

1 can (15 ounce) of Libby's 100% pure pumpkin
(note that this is NOT pumpkin pie filling)

4 large eggs

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1/2 cup water

1-2 cups of mini chocolate chips

makes around 30 muffins
I use paper baking cups 

COMBINE flour, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking soda and salt in large bowl.

MIX sugar, canned pumpkin, eggs, oil and water in a separate bowl. Then add the dry flour mixture and mix well. Next gently stir in the chocolate chips, you can use however many you like. I just like a hint of chocolate in mine so I stick to about 1 cup.

SPOON batter into paper cups about 3/4 full.

BAKE FOR 30-35 minutes...check with a toothpick, every oven is different so keep an eye on them for the last 5-10 minutes.

COOL... be sure to let them cool before removing them from the pan.

Monday, August 6, 2018


Its been a couple of weeks now since Hadley turned two so I figured I should finally get around to editing the pictures I took of her. I took these photos the night before she officially turned two... and I swear she has changed so much already in just the last couple of weeks. Her hair has grown, I think she's grown another inch taller, her feet grew...again, and she just has this new kind of toddler look about her that has me in tears most of the time. While I am so happy that she is talking more and able to do a lot on her own, I still long for those days when she was a teeny tiny baby.

 For as long as I can remember I couldn't wait to be a mom. In fact a lot of my friends always bet on me being the first one out of our group of friends to be a mom... they ended up being right lol! Ross and I waited about two years after being married to start trying for a baby. I can remember the first summer we were married I was crying all of the time about how badly I wanted to have a baby and didn't want to wait. Luckily, Ross talked me into waiting a bit longer so that we could have more time alone together first. I say luckily not because it would have been bad if we had gotten pregnant right away but because now having had her, I look back at the times when it was just us and am so thankful we got that time together. It gave us more time to get to know each other, save money (kids are expensive), fix the house up and travel a little. 

We plan to have at least one more kid but Hadley will always be my baby. She made me a mom and we have such a strong bond already, I hope it continues to grow. My prayer for her is to not only live a happy, healthy life but to live a life that will glorify God. 

I didn't get to take as many pictures with her and the #2 balloon because she was terrified of it! Ross tried and tried to get her to not be afraid of it but she just was not a fan. The thing I enjoy most about taking Hadley's picture is the joy she has is when I am taking them. She didn't always like her picture being taken but now she loves to say cheese and make silly faces at the camera. She even likes to jump and twirl around! As I look back at them I can't help but to smile, we are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy two year old daughter. Without further ado, here are Hadley's two year old pictures!

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Not sure how we got here but somehow my little chunky baby is now a two year old! We had her birthday party at our house this year and while it was a lot of work, I'm glad we did. While planning for her party we were worried about it being so hot outside that we were thinking of other places to host it. We decided to have it home anyways and just made sure that we would have room to go inside if we needed to. Well...we ended up moving the party inside but not because of the heat, because of the cold and wind! Its July! I never would have thought it would have been so chilly and windy, it felt like an early spring evening. Since the wind was so strong I wasn't able to do hardly any of the decorations I had ready which was a bummer but not the end of the world lol. I felt like I was a lot more prepared and organized for this birthday party than her last. I tried to choose simple food and decorations so I wouldn't get overwhelmed. Thankfully the food stayed warm long enough for everyone to come up and get seconds even with the cold wind. We even managed to open presents outside, we just had to chase after all of the tissue paper that Hadley was throwing around! When it came time for cake we decided to move the party inside. Aunt Rachel made the cake and not only did it taste great, it was beautiful! I also made a strawberry slab pie for those who don't like cake or wanted to have two desserts lol. Overall the party went super well and Hadley had a lot of fun with family and friends. When everyone comes together for such a special occasion, it makes me realize just how blessed we are to have so many loving and caring people in our lives. Below are some of the pictures my dad and I took throughout the party. Thank you to all who wished Hadley a happy birthday, we love and appreciate you all!
Wednesday, July 18, 2018


S.A.H.M. some of you may know what it stands for and others may not. It stands for stay at home mom, which is what I am. I get asked all the time, "what do you do all day?" Some may get offended by this question but I see it as an opportunity to share what it is we SAHM's do all day. I'd like to say first off that we are all different and do different things. The majority of the time I am a stay at home mom but I also work for my parent's business so I do go to the office a couple of days a week but I do a majority of my work from home while Hadley sleeps. I am extremely grateful I have this job, not only does it supply an extra income but it also gives me a break and a purpose. So often I hear about many SAHM's that struggle with depression because they feel like they have no purpose, let me tell you...YOU DO HAVE A PURPOSE!!! Staying at home and raising your kids is one of the hardest jobs out there. I have often questioned if I am doing the right thing by staying home because honestly some days are extremely hard. But just like in any other 9-5 job, you're going to have those hard days when you second guess if what your doing is right. 

If you're wondering what I do all day when I am home and not in the office, I am here to tell you. We start our mornings off by taking care of the animals and then of course eating breakfast. Hadley usually plays by herself in the mornings while I clean or work. I am a neat freak and usually clean once a day, that involves sweeping and wiping down counter tops, toys, etc. Really the rest of day is just whatever I need to do either for work or run an errand. One thing I always try to do is stay with a nap schedule. I have learned that Hadley does not behave like herself if she doesn't have a nap. She requires a lot of sleep...and I mean a lot. A normal nap for her is about 2 1/2 - 3 hours long. She still goes to bed around 8 and does just fine. There are times when she doesn't want to nap and those are tough days. I usually load her up in the car with her blanket and turn on the Disney lullabies and head to Starbucks! Not only does it put her to sleep but its a nice coffee break for me. This was all my husband's idea. Even when she was just a few months old she had issues with naps at times which then lead to him coming home to a very stressed out and tired momma. So he would encourage me to just load up in the car and drive, get your starbuckys (as he calls it lol). 

There are some things I do with Hadley everyday that are not out of routine but just because she loves it. Hadley loves to be quizzed. This is something she developed at a very young age, like 7 or 8 months. She learned animal sounds around that age and she would get the animal puzzle out and point and make their sound. The thing is though, she doesn't want to just come up and tell you what all she knows...she wants someone to ask her. She has these books that are great for learning colors, numbers, animals and first words. These are her favorite books. She will pick them all off of the shelf and bring them over to wherever I am and I know what she wants to do. Sometimes I am in disbelief that she knows all of the things that she does already. She can now count to 5...sometimes 6, she knows most colors (she never seems to recognize yellow), shapes and animals. A new concept we've been working on is feelings. Her favorite expression to make is the sad face but she can't hold it long without giggling lol! I will link all of the books below that we use and love. 

Hadley's favorite thing to do is outdoor playtime. She loves running around the farm and exploring. Now that we have animals it has made outside time even better. Usually her favorite thing to do is sit and play with rocks and get as dirty as possible lol. We tend to go out first thing in the morning and then before bed to try and avoid the heat. Things like her slide, swing, water table and trampoline keep her busy and active! Hadley doesn't know it yet but we got her an outdoors playhouse for her birthday! I think I'm more excited than she will be! I always wanted one as a kid so I knew it was something I definitely wanted to get for her someday. Another outdoor activity she loves is sidewalk chalk. She will sit for 30 minutes at a time and just color. I try and draw shapes and have her guess what they are and the color. Asking her these types of questions is something I do everyday randomly. It keeps her focused on what were doing and helps stimulate her brain. 

Dinner time is my favorite time of the day. Usually because I don't eat much or at all during the day so Im starving! But also because this is the time of day when we're all together as a family and get to relax for a little bit. I typically cook 5 nights a week, sometimes 6. I always give myself at least one night a week to have a break and order takeout or go out to eat. Cooking and baking is something I consider a hobby of mine. I love to try new recipes and Ross loves it too! I usually get my recipe ideas from Pinterest, my mom or Pioneer Woman. Something that has helped me stayed organized while trying to plan out meals for the week is my journal called Eat Well- menu organizer, I will link it below. I also use a free printable I found on google for a grocery list. It basically helps you categorize the items which I find extremely helpful. I also don't go to the grocery store anymore, I click list! It has been such a relief. Hadley doesn't do well at all in the store anymore and I typically get scatterbrained in the store and forget things...even when they are written down on the list. I highly recommend click list, it is worth the $5 to not have to fight with your kids the entire way or bribe them with candy or in my case, stickers lol.

So there you have it... this is what being a S.A.H.M. looks like for me, pretty exciting right?! You wouldn't believe how many people have asked me what I do all day or if I get bored, so if you are one of those people here is your answer. If you've ever thought about being a S.A.H.M but your worried about having too much time on your hands or getting bored this may change your mind... it has taken me 4 weeks to finish this blog post! It is stressful job at times but oh so rewarding. I am so thankful I am able to stay at home, it is such a blessing. As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post. Have a great rest of your week and God Bless!
Saturday, May 19, 2018

To My Farmer

Ready or not here it is, planting season 2018! Every planting or harvest season I try to prepare myself for what I know is going to be an eventful, yet sometimes stressful couple of months. I pin (on Pinterest) every easy casserole I can find, (try to) stay on top of the laundry, have my husband help me with every project that I know I can't do on my own and of course cram as much family activities as I can. The thing is no matter how hard I try to stay positive and mentally prepare myself for all of the late nights, I always end up failing. I absolutely love living on our farm, but at certain times of the year you may hear me say otherwise. This is not a hobby for my family, this an income that we live on. As I'm sure you can guess, things always seem to break... on day one typically LOL. Then it always seems to have a domino effect, more things quit working. Every time I think Ross and I both question if farming is something we should continue to do. Don't worry though, by the end of the season we are so happy and thankful for the opportunity God has given us. Its during the process of planting or harvesting that is so stressful at times you just want to quit. It is not always bad, we have definitely had some smooth running seasons but they are rare. 

My job is not out in the field, thank goodness, I don't know what I'm doing out there! I can't run a lawn mower without running it into something so I am definitely not going to get behind a tractor, at least not without help. Instead, my job is at home. Its basically all of my everyday jobs but I don't have help in the evenings. I also try to help Ross out with any of the extra stuff like rides, meals, paperwork, etc. For anyone who is foreign to farming (like I used to be), everyday can be different. You may have plans to spray that day and you wake up and the wind is crazy so you have to skip that and do something else. Doesn't seem like a big deal but trust me, it can flip your whole schedule and make you rethink everything. Forget trying to make plans ahead of time during the spring and fall. I have learned this the hard way. I am the type of person that likes to have a plan and stick with it. I am still trying to adapt to the idea of things changing at a whim. A lot of times we will be asked to do something with friends or family ahead of time and our answer is always, we will see what the weather does. Thankfully, they understand and don't give us too much of a hard time. Although being a farmer's wife is still new to me, the lifestyle is not. My family owns a landscape business so I was used to my dad and brothers working late when the weather was good or in the winter working whenever it would snow. My mom was always patient and very level-headed about it all and I really look up to her for that. She has shown me how to accept that you may be alone a lot during certain seasons but the reward when all the hard work is done outweighs the bad. No matter how busy my family got with work we would always make time for each other and still do.

My husband is very flexible and dependable. These are some of the reasons why I respect my him so much. He comes in from a long day of work and is always looking to help with anything I need. If I have something come up that is really important to me he makes the time even if he is slammed with work and the farm. He has more patience than anyone else I know, which is one of the many reasons why he is such an amazing father to Hadley. She has been showing signs of how much she misses him this planting season. Every so often she will wonder around the house calling out dada, dada? Or when she sees a truck come up the driveway she usually thinks its him and will run straight towards it! When it actually is Ross it’s the sweetest thing to watch him get out of the truck and see Hadley racing to his arms. These are the things that I try to remember and hold onto when I start to get stressed out about the late and lonely nights. Being lonely is one of the hardest parts of farming for me. Now that I have Hadley that has helped a lot but until she’s able to carry on an adult conversation I will still feel that sense of loneliness. This year we bought some animals as you have probably seen in my previous posts. Having these guys around has really helped lift my spirits as well. I also have a couple of great friends that have come to visit and help me out with anything I need.

Believe me when I say, the pros of farming outweigh the cons. To see Ross get so excited when his beans begin to pop out of the field is priceless. Or in the fall when he has a great harvest. I’m sure every season will bring different challenges but as long as we work together with the Lord guiding us we can make it through anything. So thank you to the good Lord above for giving us this opportunity that very few have. Thank you to my husband for working so hard to support our family. Thank you to my family and friends who love and support us. And to those that work in acres, not in hours… THANK YOU. I hope everyone has a safe and successful planting season, God Bless!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Meet the Girls

I thought it was about time that I introduce the world to the girls, a.k.a. our hens. We are hoping they all turn out to be hens but when you buy them from a farm supply store you don't always know for sure what you're getting. I know very little about chickens so if you are a chicken expert you may look at my pictures and laugh because there may be a rooster in there. I have no clue what I'm looking for when trying to tell what they are until they are grown. If we end up with a rooster I hope to keep it but if it chases me, I'm done... I quit right there LOL. I love chickens but they also terrify me a little. Hadley has no fear of them and I love that about her. She loved picking them up when they were tiny chicks and now that they are grown she still continues to pick them, hug and kiss them! Of course she only does this supervised... my fear is one of the chickens pecking her eye. Thankfully our chickens are very sweet, (except for one), but it doesn't mean they won't ever try to peck at anyone, its in their nature.

We had chickens a couple of years ago and we lost all but one to a raccoon. I will spare the gruesome details but it was horrible. I thought with our chicken coop so close to the house that no critter would try to hurt them but I was wrong. We had the coop inside a fence with doors that were supposed be critter proof but unfortunately they weren't. This time we are building a bigger coop that only has a man door. We're going above and beyond to ensure their safety this time. Currently we are keeping them in the old coop inside our shop's garage. We let them out to run around and browse in the grass about everyday. The goats are typically outside with them and they get along just fine. We have six chickens and three different breeds. Two are Ameraucana, two are Barred Rock (aka Plymouth Rock) and the other two we aren't quite sure of their breed because the person picking out our chickens knew nothing and I think got them mixed up. They look like Rhode Island Red or Orpington to me but we'll see what they are when they get a little older. I am most excited to see what The Ameraucana turn out to look like. They are each so unique with their coloring and are absolutely beautiful. Plus they lay light blue eggs! Each of ours looks different, one has a white/yellow color to her and the other is a darker shade. They are both the sweetest birds out of the rest. We aren't absolutely set on names yet but I have listed their names below in some of the pictures. I had so much fun snapping some pictures of these ladies and of course my little lady. She is not camera shy at all and had so much fun posing with her girls. Hadley's chicken printed dress was too perfect for these pictures! Its a handmade dress from a small, local shop called Little Creative Blessings. I found her shop on Facebook and she is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet.

I hope you all enjoy some fun pictures of our chicks and Hadley! Have a great week! God bless :)

This may be my new favorite picture of Hadley. An airplane flew over our place and this is what she did. She is standing with our sweet Fern, one of the Amerucana chicks.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Meet the Kids

My love for animals developed at a very young age. I can remember bringing baby bunnies home one day from school after seeing their mom get run over on the road. My classmates and I saw it happened and since I was the only one who walked home from school, it made sense that I take them. To my surprise my mother wasn't mad, I think she tried to put on a stern face but her love for bunnies was greater than the chore that she knew was ahead. She raised bunnies as a child and so thankfully she knew what to do because I was only in the second grade I believe. We bottle fed them until they were big enough to be on their own and then released them into our yard under the pine tree where we had seen other rabbits nest before. The bunnies didn't stay there long, they went their separate ways and was ready for my next pet... one that would stay this time. Bunnies weren't the only animal I brought home from school, I also tried bringing home stray cats that I would pass along the way. One of those stray cats ended up staying for several years. 

As soon as I was of age I joined our local 4-H group. My oldest brother was already a member so I had already been involved with the Clover Bud program for a couple of years but I was ready to take some animals to the fair. My choice of animal ended up being the same as my brother's, market hogs. When I look back at how small I was compared to them when I first started showing I can't help but think.. how did I not get trampled?! I really didn't have that problem though, we got our pigs when they were very young and raised them with a lot of love and care like we would with any other pet. I can remember one year we taught one of our pigs to sit, lay down and even roll over... just like a dog! It was the cutest thing ever and made saying goodbye at the end of fair so hard. I continued to show pigs until I graduated from high school and was no longer able to. 

You might be wondering where my love for goats came from...well it started when I was in college. My little brother decided to raise and breed a few goats. I instantly fell in love with them and found myself spending as much time with them in the barn as possible. They remind me of dogs honestly. Goats can be so lovable, playful and oh so ornery. I think thats what makes me so drawn to them. Each goat is different in it's own way. I could sit and watch them play for hours. Goats don't require a whole lot of maintenance but they definitely require a lot of attention. I am still reading up on information just about everyday. Thankfully there are a lot of resources out there that can help answer  just about any question you could have on goats. Unlike the breed my brother raised, I chose Pygmy goats. Their playfulness is what drew me to them the most. I also like that they stay small. Since these goats are strictly pets I wasn't worried about getting milking or meat goats. Eventually I may get a few Nigerian Dwarf goats so I can have fresh goats milk but for now I am sticking with my boys! 

Below are some pictures I have taken so far. Trust me when I say they are difficult to photograph. They never stand still LOL! So without further ado let me introduce you to the boys.

from left to right
Cash, Cliff and sweet little Bo

Bo's name originally was Ollie but after having him for a couple of weeks something happened to his front leg and it is now bent and he looks sort of bow legged. We thought Bo was just as cute and an appropriate name for him! 


Cliff is clearly the easiest to photograph which is why I have so many pictures of him. He is about two weeks older than the other two so he will stand still a little more than the others. Cliff is a big sweetie, he is very affectionate and loves to be held like a baby. He is the sweetest thing. 

Cash has the prettiest coloring. I love the little white spot on top of his head. He also loves to be held and cuddled. He seems to like Hadley the most which is super sweet.

This was from the day we brought them home. It was close to a two hour drive to get them and we were all so tired!

The goats love exploring outside. I take them out on walks twice a day. I never have to worry about them running off which is nice. They always stay close and if they get too far they start bleating like crazy!

The picture on the left is me holding one of my little brother's baby goats. The picture on the right is sweet Cash. 

These guys are so much fun! If you've been thinking about getting goats, go for it! It took me three years of begging my husband and now that he finally said yes, he loves them just as much as I do!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A New Journey

Welcome all! You have probably already noticed the name change and the look of the my blog. I made a couple changes in my life and wanted to reflect them here as well. I wanted to choose a name for my blog that would encompass our entire family and lifestyle, not just for the present but also for our future. After a lot of thought and prayers, I deleted my Instagram. It was something that used to be a fun outlet for me to share my creativity and fun pictures of Hadley but it started to take over my life. It was no longer fun, it was stressful and it honestly made me feel depressed most of the time. I am not going to go into the details of why I felt that way because its personal and something I felt convicted about. God has truly blessed me... I mean absolutely, positively blessed me. I had horrible anxiety, felt out of control, I cried everyday and begged God to show me what I needed to do to be at peace. I knew deep down what the answer was but my selfish sinner self got in the way for far too long. After hearing a wonderful sermon at church about idols I finally came to terms with what I needed to do and I did it. Let me tell you... it hadn't even been 24 hours after deleting it and I already felt like a huge burden had been lifted off of my shoulders. I can honestly tell you this is the best I have felt in years. God has shown me so much grace and forgiveness, I am just so grateful and I pray I only continue to grow closer to Him. I am not saying that social media is bad and will make you depressed... it wasn't always that way for me. However, when it consumes your thoughts and your time like it did for me then yes, its not healthy for you or your relationships. For example, Hadley is obsessed with trying to steal my cellphone. How amazing would it be if instead she would try to steal my Bible? If she sees me reading my Bible instead of scrolling on my phone constantly then most likely she will gravitate towards my Bible instead. This is my hope and my prayer... I want her to grow up knowing how much her mommy loves and wants to serve the Lord. I can honestly say that already after being off of Instagram for only a month Hadley has already started trying to run off with my Bible and books instead of my phone. Don't get me wrong, if she has a chance to grab my phone she still will but now it is up on the kitchen counter instead of in my pocket or next to me on the couch.

To sum this all up... I needed a change and I have made them, lots of them. This blog is now a place where I plan to share my family, my faith, recipes, crafts, animals and much more to come! Thank you to all my friends and family for all the support and love. Stay tuned! 
Wednesday, March 14, 2018


I can't believe Easter is less than four weeks away! I feel like I was just putting Hadley's Valentine's basket together. As usual, I went a little overboard on her Easter basket. I started buying stuff when I would see it on sale or something I knew would sell out quickly so I've been collecting items for a little over a month now. I didn't do a themed basket at all, that would be too constricting for me. Instead I got a variety of items, some fun activities, summer time items, clothes and of course some everyday items that I know Hadley loves. I found a lot of small items at Target in the dollar isle. I went the day they put it all out and I'm glad I did because it wasn't but a few short days later and they were already out of stock of a lot of things. You won't find a bunch of candy in her basket, I tend to stay away from candy with her...she gets a little crazy after she's had sugar. I did get her bag of the bunny marshmallows, they are little lower in sugar and she lovesssss them! There are a few items I've listed that I haven't got for Hadley yet but plan to when we get closer to Easter. I hope you all enjoy and can find some good ideas for your little girls! Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Hadley's Bedroom

Hadley's bedroom is by far my favorite room in the house. We put so much time and effort fixing this room up. Most of the room was all set before Hadley was born, there was just some little finishing touches we wanted to add. I think I could constantly add things to the decor though, especially if I keep going to Target! 

Below are some pictures of her room. I have created links for the majority of the decor. The furniture we had custom made in Amish Country. My mother, my mother-in-law, and my grandma bought all the furniture. It was such a wonderful and special gift. We can now pass it down to our next child, (no I'm not pregnant). We choose the dark wood to match our wood trim we have in our house. There isn't a certain theme that we tried to stick to, I just wanted it to be light and airy. I love Disney everything but I didn't want to make it all Disney. We ended up going for a fairytale type of decor and I love it!  I hope Hadley still loves her room when she gets older!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

DIY Valentines

Valentine's Day is much more fun to celebrate now that I have Hadley! There are so many fun things you can do to make it a fun and special holiday for your child/children. You can throw a party with cousins or friends, make valentines, craft and don't forget all of the yummy themed snacks! Hadley's favorite is always the snacks and she loved helping me make these cupcakes! This is an easy strawberry cupcake and icing recipe I found online. Then just add some cute heart sprinkles or this heart cupcake topper from Glitter Party Co and your all set! 

Whats a party without a party hat?! This sweet party hat comes is from Little Blue Olive and comes in different colors. I also incorporated some small gifts for Hadley. The necklace is perfect for any age and is from Hooray Everyday. Then I got some fun Valentine's Day books for her from our local Target. If you want a direct link for the books you can find them in my previous post!

The Ever Co has some adorable valentines that you can purchase from their website and print at home! I thought of some fun gifts that could be apart of the valentine and they are both affordable, easy and fun!

I love the Unicorn valentine! You can have your kiddo color or paint them or they are just as cute left blank! I found this awesome unicorn hot chocolate recipe and of course had to try it! As a fun goodie to put with the valentine I thought it would be neat to measure out the ingredients and put in a little bag and you can then attach one to each valentine. 

The other card I chose was the fairy themed valentine. This activity may not be suited for children under three. Hadley had a lot of fun making the fairy dust but there is now glitter on every inch of my house. I choose just three colors of glitter to mix because I was going for a rose gold color. The little jar I found at my local craft store for $1.29 so this craft/gift is very inexpensive to make! 

Below the pictures you can find the cupcake recipe, the unicorn hot chocolate recipe, and the fairy dust details. Hope you all enjoy and have a Happy Valentine's Day!


3/4 cup fresh strawberries, sliced in half
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
2 large egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

  1. Preheat oven to 350'.
  2. Using cupcake liners, place 12 liners in a muffin pan and set to the side.
  3. In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt and set a side.
  4. In a food processor or blender add strawberries and process until pureed.
  5. Empty pureed strawberries into a 1/3c measuring cup and set aside. Add rest of strawberry puree to a small bowl and set aside to use in the frosting.
  6. Using a electric mixer with bowl, cream butter on medium high speed until lightly fluffy.
  7. Gradually add sugar and continue to mix until well blended. Reduce speed to low and slowly add one egg and egg whites and mix until lightly blended.
  8. Add vanilla extract if using.
  9. Mix together milk and 1/3c strawberry puree.
  10. Alternate flour and milk mixture to mixer slowly ending with flour. Scrape down sides of bowl and continue to blend well.
  11. Using an ice cream scoop or tablespoon, add batter to prepared muffin cups.
  12. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until lightly browned.
  13. Cool cupcakes completely on a wire rack before adding the frosting.

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
to 2 tablespoons milk

cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup butter or margarine, softened
***I added a couple drops of red food coloring to make pink frosting


1    In medium bowl, mix powdered sugar and butter with spoon or electric mixer on low speed. Stir in vanilla and 1 tablespoon of the milk.
2   Gradually beat in just enough remaining milk to make frosting smooth and spreadable. If frosting is too thick, beat in more milk, a few drops at a time. If frosting becomes too thin, beat in a small amount of powdered sugar. Frosts 13x9-inch cake generously, or fills and frosts an 8- or 9-inch two-layer cake.
  • 1 Icing, Blue
    1 tbsp Imperial sugar
    1 Pastel sprinkles
    1 Pink food coloring
    1 tsp Vanilla
    4 oz White chocolate
    2 cups Whole milk
    colored mini marshmallows

    ***I used marshmallows from lucky charms and also added whip cream topping


    small jar

    I added a lot of pink and then some silver and gold to create a rose gold color. You can make your own tag or sticker to label it with but I bought a set of tags that came with string for only $1.25 at my local craft store.