Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A New Journey

Welcome all! You have probably already noticed the name change and the look of the my blog. I made a couple changes in my life and wanted to reflect them here as well. I wanted to choose a name for my blog that would encompass our entire family and lifestyle, not just for the present but also for our future. After a lot of thought and prayers, I deleted my Instagram. It was something that used to be a fun outlet for me to share my creativity and fun pictures of Hadley but it started to take over my life. It was no longer fun, it was stressful and it honestly made me feel depressed most of the time. I am not going to go into the details of why I felt that way because its personal and something I felt convicted about. God has truly blessed me... I mean absolutely, positively blessed me. I had horrible anxiety, felt out of control, I cried everyday and begged God to show me what I needed to do to be at peace. I knew deep down what the answer was but my selfish sinner self got in the way for far too long. After hearing a wonderful sermon at church about idols I finally came to terms with what I needed to do and I did it. Let me tell you... it hadn't even been 24 hours after deleting it and I already felt like a huge burden had been lifted off of my shoulders. I can honestly tell you this is the best I have felt in years. God has shown me so much grace and forgiveness, I am just so grateful and I pray I only continue to grow closer to Him. I am not saying that social media is bad and will make you depressed... it wasn't always that way for me. However, when it consumes your thoughts and your time like it did for me then yes, its not healthy for you or your relationships. For example, Hadley is obsessed with trying to steal my cellphone. How amazing would it be if instead she would try to steal my Bible? If she sees me reading my Bible instead of scrolling on my phone constantly then most likely she will gravitate towards my Bible instead. This is my hope and my prayer... I want her to grow up knowing how much her mommy loves and wants to serve the Lord. I can honestly say that already after being off of Instagram for only a month Hadley has already started trying to run off with my Bible and books instead of my phone. Don't get me wrong, if she has a chance to grab my phone she still will but now it is up on the kitchen counter instead of in my pocket or next to me on the couch.

To sum this all up... I needed a change and I have made them, lots of them. This blog is now a place where I plan to share my family, my faith, recipes, crafts, animals and much more to come! Thank you to all my friends and family for all the support and love. Stay tuned! 

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