Saturday, December 31, 2016

Saying Goodbye to 2016

Our First Family Christmas

Christmas time is by far my favorite time of the year. Having Hadley be apart of all the festivities this year made it that much more special. I know she won't remember her first Christmas but she will have all the pictures to look back at someday and Ross and I enjoyed it all so much. Some of the things we enjoyed doing this year was visiting the Columbus Zoo to see the beautiful zoo lights. There she even went on her first carousel ride! We also made a gingerbread house, put up outside Christmas lights, visited Santa, watched a bunch of Christmas movies and had three family Christmases. Hadley had so much fun opening presents, but she was more interested in the wrapping paper. I'm sure next year will be a different story and I am looking forward to it and the years to come! Below are some pictures of all the fun times we had this season. I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas as well!
Monday, December 5, 2016

The Santa Experience

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Always Be Merry


Don't you just love this time of the year? Everyone seems to be in a Christmas coma, smiling at everyone, opening the door for others and saying kind greetings. This is exactly why I titled this post as, Always Be Merry. I wish that people would act like this all year round instead of just during the holidays. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not
always the best at this but I do get stopped at the grocery store and mall a lot so I must not be doing that bad of a job at looking and acting friendly!

One of my favorite holiday traditions is taking pictures for our Christmas cards. This year it was even better because miss Hadley got to be apart of it! I loved coordination all of our outfits, its something I wish I had time to do everyday. I have shared some of our photos that we took for the cards above. Unfortunately the sun was not in our favor, so the porch picture that I wanted did not turn out well but we managed to get some other good ones!

As the Christmas season goes on, I will continue to share more traditions our family loves to do during this time of year. I hope you all enjoy this special time of year and show kindness to others throughout the rest of the year as well. As always thanks so much for reading!