Sunday, January 14, 2018


Family movie night has become a regular occurrence around here. Going out with a toddler just isn't practical, especially in the cold weather. We can't make it in and out of a store with at least two break downs or tantrums LOL.

Netflix has made it easy to have movie night at home because they have so many cute kids movies. Choosing the movie is easy because we only have one child's opinion to go off of and the only movie she knows and wants to watch all the time is "nana"...which is Moana. The child is obsessed with ocean. If you saw any of my stories while we were in Florida you are aware of the obsession as well. I will go into more details of the vacation on a new post when I can find the time.

Typically I make some kind of kid friendly snack for movie night. If I'm feeling extra creative (which happens rarely these days) I choose a snack that is themed with the movie. This past week we had movie night and the snack was not themed at all because I was supposed to make it before Christmas to go along with Charlie Brown's Christmas movie. I got the recipe on the back of the bag of marshmallows and it is definitely one that I will save and most likely revise a little next time.

To make movie night more interesting for a toddler that never stops moving, snacks and an activity are a must! The snack usually keeps her interested in the movie for at least 30-45 minutes then she can be found running around the house with her stroller. One of the activities we normally do for movie night is coloring. You can pretty much find any character on a free printable coloring page online. We've also done water beads with sea creatures in a tub which went along with when we watched Finding Dory. I am going to try to start adding photos, recipes and activities that are themed with the movie on here eventually. For now I have included the popcorn recipe below and trust me, it is so good! As always, thanks for tuning in...have a great week!


What you will need:

1/2 tsp. salt, divided                  12 cups warm air-popped popcorn                1/2 cup butter          

4 oz. Bakers semi-sweet chocolated bar            40 jet-puffed mini peppermint marshmallows

Make it:

heat oven to 275*F

sprinkle 1/4 tsp. salt over popcorn in large bowl; toss to coat; set aside

melt chocolate and butter in a large saucepan on low heat, stir frequently

add the marshmallows and stir until completely melted

remove from hear and stir in the remaining salt

pour over the popcorn and toss to coat

spread onto a greased cookie sheet    ( I used parchment paper)

bake for 20-25 minutes, stirring after 15 minutes

cool on wax paper and ENJOY!

Now, the peppermint marshmallows are probably not in stores anymore as they were out for the holidays but you could use any flavor of marshmallow. You can also use white chocolate instead of semi-sweet. I added some fun sprinkles while it was cooling because sprinkles make everything better! I also added some non melted marshmallows to Hadley's bowl because she loves them!
The popcorn was so good when we ate it warm and just as good the next day after it had completely cooled. Hope you all enjoy!

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