Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Memories are Made Best by the Lake

Looking at the picture above of Hadley and I makes me laugh because she looks so irritated. I promise you, she was so happy and very warm. In fact, by the time I took her out of her snow suit and she was sweating! This picture was taken at Lakeside, Ohio. It is one of my favorite places to visit. Of course everything is closed for the winter season so the shops aren't open and most of the cottages are vacant but I still enjoy being there. The reason behind my love for the lake is that I spent most of my childhood vacationing up there with my family and grandparents. My dad's parents owned a small home on the bay, it was nothing fancy but it had running water and it a place to dock our boat. Our days were spent fishing, visiting the lighthouse, playing puzzles inside with Grandma, swimming and biking around. The photos below is what the place looks like today, I remember looking a lot different but I think as children everything seems bigger.

Being here at the lake when it was so vacant was actually nice and made it a bit more meaningful. I was able to take in the beauty of it and felt as if I was a little closer to my Grandma at that moment. This was only the second time I had visited the lake since she has passed and it wasn't any easier this time. Every where we visited I could remember special memories spent there with her. The lake was her favorite place to be, especially when all of our family was up there. I am so happy that I can tell Hadley of all the memories we spent there and make new ones with her now. I hope that Hadley learns to the love the lake as much as Grandma and I did and maybe she'll even get to know her Great Grandma a little more by spending time there. 

The pictures I shared below are just some more I took when we were up there. 

Thank you all for taking the time to read what I have to say, I truly appreciate all the love and feedback!

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