Saturday, June 17, 2017

Happy Father's Day

My dad is one of the most amazing men I know, along with my husband. From the time I turned four, my dad would talk with me at night before bed and pray for my husband. As a young child, that made a huge impact on me and the way I viewed dating and marriage. My dad always said, only date someone you would consider marrying someday, as well as consider being the father to your children. I've always kept those words near to me and they were the reason I knew Ross was the one after the first week I started talking with him. Ross came into my life after a period of time when I was broken and left with a lot of insecurities. God knew this was the man I needed in my life at that time and for the rest of my life. Immediately I felt comfortable with him and it was like I had known him for years, which is ironic considering I knew of him and his family. We grew up in the same community and he even worked for my dad's company at one point. However, I didn't know him, but my dad did. I remember my dad told me that he was one of the nicest young men he had ever met and one of the strongest. After dating for a few years Ross proposed outside of the house we would be living in if I said yes. Of course I did, and know were here, living on the farm with our beautiful baby girl. 

There are many reasons why I fell in love with Ross, but the main reason was his kindheartedness. I had never met a guy who was as patient and understanding as him. In a lot of ways he reminded me of my dad and I think that is why I felt so comfortable with him. I knew in my heart he would be an amazing father to our kids and he has already exceeded my expectations with our daughter. I can remember when we found out we were pregnant, we both just stood there and cried with tears of joy because this was something we had looked forward to and knew that God was giving us such an amazing gift. One of the most dearest moments Ive had with Ross, (besides our wedding), was when I was giving birth to Hadley. I was the most scared I had ever been in my life and was in the most amount of pain I had ever been in. Ross being himself, stayed calm and collected. He stood by my side throughout the 23 hours of labor, even while I slept. There were a couple of times when the nurse finally convinced him to lay down and get something to eat but other than that he stood there, comforting me in anyway he could. I could not have done it without him. He was the man I always dreamt of and the man God knew I needed. He does so much for us and works so hard. He has overcome so much struggle with farming and getting where he is now. These are the qualities that I admire so much about him, his patience, persistence to push through any circumstance, his kindness towards others, tenderness, strong, smart, his sense of humor and his yearning to follow Christ. I know that Hadley is going to marry an amazing man someday because her father will guide and pray for her just as mine did. Thank you Ross, for everything you do and everything you are. Hadley and I are truly blessed to have you guide our family the way God wants us to go. 

I hope that everyone has a great Father's Day tomorrow. Thank you for tuning in!

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