Monday, August 6, 2018


Its been a couple of weeks now since Hadley turned two so I figured I should finally get around to editing the pictures I took of her. I took these photos the night before she officially turned two... and I swear she has changed so much already in just the last couple of weeks. Her hair has grown, I think she's grown another inch taller, her feet grew...again, and she just has this new kind of toddler look about her that has me in tears most of the time. While I am so happy that she is talking more and able to do a lot on her own, I still long for those days when she was a teeny tiny baby.

 For as long as I can remember I couldn't wait to be a mom. In fact a lot of my friends always bet on me being the first one out of our group of friends to be a mom... they ended up being right lol! Ross and I waited about two years after being married to start trying for a baby. I can remember the first summer we were married I was crying all of the time about how badly I wanted to have a baby and didn't want to wait. Luckily, Ross talked me into waiting a bit longer so that we could have more time alone together first. I say luckily not because it would have been bad if we had gotten pregnant right away but because now having had her, I look back at the times when it was just us and am so thankful we got that time together. It gave us more time to get to know each other, save money (kids are expensive), fix the house up and travel a little. 

We plan to have at least one more kid but Hadley will always be my baby. She made me a mom and we have such a strong bond already, I hope it continues to grow. My prayer for her is to not only live a happy, healthy life but to live a life that will glorify God. 

I didn't get to take as many pictures with her and the #2 balloon because she was terrified of it! Ross tried and tried to get her to not be afraid of it but she just was not a fan. The thing I enjoy most about taking Hadley's picture is the joy she has is when I am taking them. She didn't always like her picture being taken but now she loves to say cheese and make silly faces at the camera. She even likes to jump and twirl around! As I look back at them I can't help but to smile, we are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy two year old daughter. Without further ado, here are Hadley's two year old pictures!