Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Not sure how we got here but somehow my little chunky baby is now a two year old! We had her birthday party at our house this year and while it was a lot of work, I'm glad we did. While planning for her party we were worried about it being so hot outside that we were thinking of other places to host it. We decided to have it home anyways and just made sure that we would have room to go inside if we needed to. Well...we ended up moving the party inside but not because of the heat, because of the cold and wind! Its July! I never would have thought it would have been so chilly and windy, it felt like an early spring evening. Since the wind was so strong I wasn't able to do hardly any of the decorations I had ready which was a bummer but not the end of the world lol. I felt like I was a lot more prepared and organized for this birthday party than her last. I tried to choose simple food and decorations so I wouldn't get overwhelmed. Thankfully the food stayed warm long enough for everyone to come up and get seconds even with the cold wind. We even managed to open presents outside, we just had to chase after all of the tissue paper that Hadley was throwing around! When it came time for cake we decided to move the party inside. Aunt Rachel made the cake and not only did it taste great, it was beautiful! I also made a strawberry slab pie for those who don't like cake or wanted to have two desserts lol. Overall the party went super well and Hadley had a lot of fun with family and friends. When everyone comes together for such a special occasion, it makes me realize just how blessed we are to have so many loving and caring people in our lives. Below are some of the pictures my dad and I took throughout the party. Thank you to all who wished Hadley a happy birthday, we love and appreciate you all!
Wednesday, July 18, 2018


S.A.H.M. some of you may know what it stands for and others may not. It stands for stay at home mom, which is what I am. I get asked all the time, "what do you do all day?" Some may get offended by this question but I see it as an opportunity to share what it is we SAHM's do all day. I'd like to say first off that we are all different and do different things. The majority of the time I am a stay at home mom but I also work for my parent's business so I do go to the office a couple of days a week but I do a majority of my work from home while Hadley sleeps. I am extremely grateful I have this job, not only does it supply an extra income but it also gives me a break and a purpose. So often I hear about many SAHM's that struggle with depression because they feel like they have no purpose, let me tell you...YOU DO HAVE A PURPOSE!!! Staying at home and raising your kids is one of the hardest jobs out there. I have often questioned if I am doing the right thing by staying home because honestly some days are extremely hard. But just like in any other 9-5 job, you're going to have those hard days when you second guess if what your doing is right. 

If you're wondering what I do all day when I am home and not in the office, I am here to tell you. We start our mornings off by taking care of the animals and then of course eating breakfast. Hadley usually plays by herself in the mornings while I clean or work. I am a neat freak and usually clean once a day, that involves sweeping and wiping down counter tops, toys, etc. Really the rest of day is just whatever I need to do either for work or run an errand. One thing I always try to do is stay with a nap schedule. I have learned that Hadley does not behave like herself if she doesn't have a nap. She requires a lot of sleep...and I mean a lot. A normal nap for her is about 2 1/2 - 3 hours long. She still goes to bed around 8 and does just fine. There are times when she doesn't want to nap and those are tough days. I usually load her up in the car with her blanket and turn on the Disney lullabies and head to Starbucks! Not only does it put her to sleep but its a nice coffee break for me. This was all my husband's idea. Even when she was just a few months old she had issues with naps at times which then lead to him coming home to a very stressed out and tired momma. So he would encourage me to just load up in the car and drive, get your starbuckys (as he calls it lol). 

There are some things I do with Hadley everyday that are not out of routine but just because she loves it. Hadley loves to be quizzed. This is something she developed at a very young age, like 7 or 8 months. She learned animal sounds around that age and she would get the animal puzzle out and point and make their sound. The thing is though, she doesn't want to just come up and tell you what all she knows...she wants someone to ask her. She has these books that are great for learning colors, numbers, animals and first words. These are her favorite books. She will pick them all off of the shelf and bring them over to wherever I am and I know what she wants to do. Sometimes I am in disbelief that she knows all of the things that she does already. She can now count to 5...sometimes 6, she knows most colors (she never seems to recognize yellow), shapes and animals. A new concept we've been working on is feelings. Her favorite expression to make is the sad face but she can't hold it long without giggling lol! I will link all of the books below that we use and love. 

Hadley's favorite thing to do is outdoor playtime. She loves running around the farm and exploring. Now that we have animals it has made outside time even better. Usually her favorite thing to do is sit and play with rocks and get as dirty as possible lol. We tend to go out first thing in the morning and then before bed to try and avoid the heat. Things like her slide, swing, water table and trampoline keep her busy and active! Hadley doesn't know it yet but we got her an outdoors playhouse for her birthday! I think I'm more excited than she will be! I always wanted one as a kid so I knew it was something I definitely wanted to get for her someday. Another outdoor activity she loves is sidewalk chalk. She will sit for 30 minutes at a time and just color. I try and draw shapes and have her guess what they are and the color. Asking her these types of questions is something I do everyday randomly. It keeps her focused on what were doing and helps stimulate her brain. 

Dinner time is my favorite time of the day. Usually because I don't eat much or at all during the day so Im starving! But also because this is the time of day when we're all together as a family and get to relax for a little bit. I typically cook 5 nights a week, sometimes 6. I always give myself at least one night a week to have a break and order takeout or go out to eat. Cooking and baking is something I consider a hobby of mine. I love to try new recipes and Ross loves it too! I usually get my recipe ideas from Pinterest, my mom or Pioneer Woman. Something that has helped me stayed organized while trying to plan out meals for the week is my journal called Eat Well- menu organizer, I will link it below. I also use a free printable I found on google for a grocery list. It basically helps you categorize the items which I find extremely helpful. I also don't go to the grocery store anymore, I click list! It has been such a relief. Hadley doesn't do well at all in the store anymore and I typically get scatterbrained in the store and forget things...even when they are written down on the list. I highly recommend click list, it is worth the $5 to not have to fight with your kids the entire way or bribe them with candy or in my case, stickers lol.

So there you have it... this is what being a S.A.H.M. looks like for me, pretty exciting right?! You wouldn't believe how many people have asked me what I do all day or if I get bored, so if you are one of those people here is your answer. If you've ever thought about being a S.A.H.M but your worried about having too much time on your hands or getting bored this may change your mind... it has taken me 4 weeks to finish this blog post! It is stressful job at times but oh so rewarding. I am so thankful I am able to stay at home, it is such a blessing. As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post. Have a great rest of your week and God Bless!