Monday, November 20, 2017


Enough. This is a word with many definitions. You may read this word and think of it in terms of anger. For example, "I've had enough!" How many times have you said that phrase to your children...I'm guilty of it for sure! Or maybe you read the word, enough, and feel a sense of self doubt as in "I'll never be good enough." Enough can also mean you have plenty of something, as in I've had enough coffee today... so I'll have a diet coke instead haha!

The average woman says about 20,000 words a day while men only say about 7,000. I read this statement to my husband...he replied by saying, "surprised by a show of hands?" LOL. But its so true! Women typically talk more than men. I remember a guy I had dated talked a lot compared to most. Every time we hung out I thought, hmmm this can't work, he's talking more than I am! I couldn't even get a word in LOL. All that being said, it makes sense that a woman would be more likely to say the word enough more than a man would.

Think about this for a minute. Out of all of the examples of how the word "enough" can be used, which one do you use the most?

For me, I use it the most in thinking of self doubt. I have struggled for years with the horrible feeling that I will never be good enough; as a daughter, a friend, a believer, a wife and now a mom. I know that I am not alone on feeling this way but when you have these horrible thoughts about your self worth you can't help but feel alone. I can't tell you the number of nights I have laid in bed and cried myself to sleep because I was so discouraged with how I had been with Hadley that day. Being a parent is the hardest job I have ever had and yet its also one of the most rewarding. I've only been a mom for sixteen months now and while I have learned so much I know there is so much more ahead of me.

When I had met Ross, (my now husband), I had so many insecurities and fears. I instantly started to think that I wouldn't be good enough for him. He was so kind, mature, handsome and had his whole life together while I was still in college trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. That didn't matter to him though, he told me that he too had been there at one point in his life. He always encouraged me to try and be comfortable with where I was in life and still does. As time went on I started to change the way I looked at myself and started to gain some self-confidence. I began to see the person that he loved and the person God had made me to be. God doesn't want us to think of ourselves as not being good enough for Him. He made the ultimate sacrifice for us because to Him we worth dying for.

For a few months now I have told myself everyday that I am enough. As long as I'm living my life for God how can I not be? So what if Hadley's socks don't always match or if the house is still a mess when Ross comes home? Does that mean that they will love me less? Absolutely not. I have come to realize that I am my worst critic and I need to put an end to that. I'm not doing myself or my family any favors by thinking that way. When I start to tell myself I am enough, I start to live that way and everyday seems to get better and better. Sure I still have some rough days but when I do, I know I have a loving husband and a wonderful daughter that will love me no matter what.

I bought myself an early Christmas present this year. It's a necklace with the word "enough" engraved on it from an amazing company called, Made by Mary. I have worn it everyday since I got it. It has become a great way to remind myself every time I wear it that I am enough. I am enough as a daughter, a believer, a wife, a mother and for myself. It's time we start using this word to lift each other up and use it in a positive way. I am enough and so are you.