Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Hadley's One Year Old Photos

I am still editing pictures but I wanted to go ahead and post some because I am so in love with all of these photos! I hope you all enjoy! Hadley is officially a one year old!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

To our Baby Girl on your First Birthday

How do I even begin to sum up this past year? The amount of laughter and tears that has filled our home this year could fill the whole ocean. We've cried tears of joy, love and sometimes stress because yes having a baby can be hard at times but it is worth it all. The first seven and half months of my pregnancy I was sick, it was miserable but I was so excited just to make it to July. I can remember being so scared at times when it came to thinking about the delivery part of it all. I am terrified of needles, hospitals and basically anything that can cause pain LOL. The closer I got to due date the more anxious I became. However, I ended up going almost two weeks past my due date with still no baby. The doctor suggested I be induced on July 18th and I of course agreed because I was so ready at that point. I went in that morning to be induced at 8:00 am. The staff was all so amazing and put me at ease about everything. I wasn't sure who would be delivering Hadley but I didn't care who because all of the doctors were super nice and lets face it...when your baby is finally ready to come out you don't care who is there to help! I had one main nurse who took care of me for the first 12 hours until her shift was over. We really bonded and she told me that she predicted I would have Hadley later that evening or early morning. She said as soon as she comes in on her next shift which was at 7:00 AM on the 19th she would come see me so she could meet Hadley. Well, instead she came in for her shift just in time to help me finally deliver! Hadley made her big debut at 7:21 AM on July 19th, 2016. Wow was that a huge moment! I was so thankful to finally have her with us! I wouldn't have been able to bring her into this world without my husband. He stayed awake and stood by my side through it all. Even when I was allowed to sleep for bit he stayed awake and rubbed my back and would try to comfort me in anyway possible. I fell in love with him even more in those moments together. Then to see him with our baby heart just continued to melt. He is the sweetest husband ever and I am so blessed to have him by my side. He cared for both Hadley and myself in the hospital and when we got home as well. I am just so in love with our little family. Someday I hope we have another child but for now we are enjoying every minute with our sweet girl. This age is my favorite because they are learning so many new things and yet they still depend on you and typically like to cuddle. However, I still cry every time I think about the day we brought her home or when we celebrated our first Christmas all together. There have been so many amazing memories and I know there are more to come. When I say that we are blessed it seems like such an understatement. Who knew a little girl who weighs about twenty-three and half pounds could bring so much joy into our lives. I thank God everyday for giving us such an amazing daughter and I pray that we always lead her in the way the Lord wants us to. Thank you to everyone who has already made such a positive impact on our daughter's life. We are so grateful. Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl, I hope you always know how much we all love you and that you always find joy in everything you do. We love you so much!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Happy Independence Day!

What a crazy couple of weeks we have had here in the Rodman household. Between finalizing plans for Hadley's party, teething, sickness, the holiday week/weekend and Ross finishing up his second crop of beans we have been on the go for awhile now! We had so much fun celebrating the 4th of July and of course I took a ton of pictures. More pictures than anyone on Instagram would probably want to see haha. I had several questions come in on where Hadley's outfits and bows were from. I tried to answer most of them but I thought I would list them below with pictures. This being Hadley's first Independence Day we of course had to have more than one outfit! Between the cookouts and gatherings she was able to wear them all and I couldn't tell you my favorite, too many cute styles. So here they are listed below...feel free to email me if you have any questions! Thank you for tuning in and I hope you all had a great time celebrating this wonderful country of ours!

 ***My shorts and tee shirt are from American Eagle, 
kimono is from Pink Blush and shoes are Birkenstocks***
***Bloomers are Vivie & Dash, shirt is June & January and bow is Zozubaby***

***Skirt, shirt and shoes are from Gap---bow is from Minted Tulip***

***Bow is from Zozubaby, dress and bloomers are from June and January, mat is from Gather***

***Shirt, bloomers and shoes are from Gap---bow is again from Zozubaby***

***Those ruffles get me overtime!***

***Jean skirt is from Gap***

***Hadley's sweater is from Gap***